Part - time administrator proposed for SeniorBar



Brian Callaghan and Peggy P revozn ik w i l l be ru n n in g against T im C o n n o lly and J im Leous in to m o rro w ’s Student Body Presi­ d e n t/V ic e President run o f f e lec ­ tions. Callaghan and C onno lly , w h o rece ived 46.7 and 29.6 pe rce n t o f the vo te respec tive ly , w i l l pa r­ tic ip a te in the ru n -o ff because n e it­ her o f the tw o candidates rece ived 50 p e rce n t o f the vote . The o th e r S tudent Body P re s iden t/V ice Presi­ den t t ic k e t o f Liza Salvador and M ike C a rlin rece ived 23.7 p e rce n t o f the vote. The resu lts o f the vo te , w h ic h was cou n te d by o ffic ia ls o f the O m ­ budsman, w e re posted in LaFortune at 12 o ’c lo c k last n igh t. The resu lts show ed the C a llaghan/P revozn ik t ic k e t w ith a so lid lead go ing in to the ru n -o ff w ith 2 ,028 votes to C o n n o lly and Leous s 1,287 and to Salvador and C a rlin ’s 1,031 In w h a t John Q u in n , O m ­ budsm an’s E le c tio n C oo rd in a to r, te rm e d “ an in c re d ib le tu rn o u t, ” 65 pe rce n t o f the N o tre Dame studen t b ody cast votes fo r the th ree tickets. Q u in n said th is tu rn o u t is c o n ­ s iderab le w hen com pared to last year's 49 pe rce n t tu rn o u t. B o th C al­ laghan and C o n n o lly expressed pleasure in th is tu rn o u t and said they hoped fo r a s im ila r i f no t b e tte r tu rn o u t in to m o rro w ’s run-o ff. T im C o n n o lly said he was pleased w ith the resu lts o f the e lec tion , b u t said tha t he and Leous w o u ld have to do a l i t t le b it o f cam pa ign ing before to m o rro w . He said tha t b o th o f his oppos ing ticke ts w e re “ good t ic k ­ ets" and tha t he and a ll the o th e r can­

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تاریخ انتشار 2014